Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Which LA Lakers Player has earned the Most Money?

Money is a big deal when talking about NBA all-star athletes but who has been the richest Laker to date?

There have been a number of famous basketball players in the history of NBA but taking a closer look into the Lakers basketball, we are not very surprised to find the answer that we are looking for. Yes, you guessed it, the player who has earned the most $$$ is one and only Kobe Bryant.  

Figure 11 – CBC Sports

He has an initial contract for $23.5 million over a 3 year and just extended it for another 2 years for an additional $14 million. Sounds pretty insane don’t it? But that’s just from the Lakers basketball, his net worth is valued at over $140 million and at one point was the highest paid NBA player.

Is Kobe Bryant worth $140 million? Does he deserve $23.5 million or should he reduce his pay to bring in better players to win more playoffs?

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